RMF2012 Abstracts

There have been 69 abstracts submitted

Monday 2nd July PM (15.30 - 17.00)

Researching the Third Sector

Feminism Counts: Critical Methodologies for Gender Research

Mixed Methods in Lifecourse and Longitudinal Research

Gathering Bio Measures

Complexity Science Meets Social Science

The Digital Social Research Programme: Showcasing Advances in e-Social Science

Nudging and Norms

What is narrative interviewing? What is analytic induction?

Monday 2nd July PM (17.00 - 18.00)

NCRM ANNUAL LECTURE: The challenges of the 21st century: the ineluctable need for multidisciplinarity

Examining the Evidence on Researcher Development: CROS/PIRLS

Working with Other People's Data

Monday 2nd July evening (20.30 - 22.00)

Metaphorical Models

Tuesday 3rd July AM (09.15 - 12.45)

Multilevel Modelling I: Methods and Software

Multimodal Methodologies Part I

New Methods for Data Collection: Geovisualization and Mass Communication.

Challenging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide: Exploring Causal Analysis

Survey Data Quality

Critical Reading Workshop

Voice in Research

After the Census

What are qualitative research ethics? What is discourse analysis? What is social network analysis? What is online research?

Tuesday 3rd July PM (14.15 - 15.30)


Mediation Analysis

Developing Effective Research Proposals

Using Cohort Studies

Tuesday 3rd July PM (16.00 - 17.30)

Multilevel Modelling II: Applications

Multimodal Methodologies Part II

New Methods for Spatial Modelling, Simulation and Policy Analysis

Career Building for Early Career Researchers

Researching Consumption and Sustainability

Advanced Applied Psychometrics

Data Mining and Text Mining

Comparative Methods for Cross-National Surveys Using Latent Variable Models

What is propensity score matching? What are electronic data collection methods?

Tuesday 3rd July evening (20.30 - 22.00)

Stimulating the Research Imagination: Marxist Magician

Wednesday 4th July AM (09.15 - 12.45)

Pathways from Social Disadvantage to Health: What can we Learn from Longitudinal Analysis?

Programme Evaluation Methods, and Inference in Difference-in-Difference Designs

Visualisation in Research

Methods in Field Experiments in Economics and Political Science

Publishing in Journals

Teaching Research Methods

Linguistic Ethnography: An Indicative Analysis

Narrative Analysis Workshop

What is multilevel modelling? What is event history analysis? What are cohort studies? What are community studies?

Wednesday 4th July PM (14.15 - 15.30)

KEY LECTURE: Now you see it, now you don't: visual culture and visual methods

Publishing Your First Book

Modelling Paradata (Survey Process Data)

Expanding Your Methodological Comfort Zone

Wednesday 4th July PM (16.00 - 17.30)

Pathways from Disadvantage to Health: Demonstration of Applications

Using Data on Social Networks in Programme Evaluation

Lyrical Methods: Explorations with Andrew Abbott

Promoting Partnerships and Research Collaborations

Innovative Methods - New and Changing Forms of Work

Extracting Political Information From Legislative Speeches

In-depth Qualitative Data Analysis - Tracing an Interviewees' Sense of Self Through I-Poems

Focus Groups

What is multimodality? What is the regression discontinuity approach?

Wednesday 4th July evening (20.30 - 22.00)

Cafe Scientifique

Thursday 5th July (09.15 - 12.45)

Happiness, Income and Welfare

Research Ethics

ReStore Workshop: Building More Sustainable Web Resources

Ethnography and Place

Systematic Reviews: The Potential of Different Methods

What is Mendelian randomisation? What is the difference between association and causation? What is geosimulation? and What is Web 3.0/crowdsourcing?

Thursday 5th July (14.15 - 15.30)

KEY LECTURE: Choosing and combining units: common problems in multilevel and cross-temporal research

Methodological Innovation

Using Understanding Society

Participatory Research with Diasporic Youth

How to Look After and Manage Your Data