RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Wednesday 4th July PM (14.15 - 15.30)

Title: Publishing Your First Book

Name: Katie Metzler

Affiliation: SAGE Publications

Abstract Details

In this presentation, Katie Metzler, Commissioning Editor for Research Methods at SAGE, will provide an overview of SAGE's commissioning strategy. What kinds of books are we looking to publish? How do you find the right publisher for your work? How is the process of publishing in journals different than publishing a book? In addition to giving some top tips on writing a book proposal, Katie will be on hand to answer questions about specific projects and proposals.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Katie Metzler

Publishing Your First Book

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title: Publishing Your First Book

Author: Miss Katie Metzler

Affiliation: SAGE

Presenter 2

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title: Publishing Your First Book

Author: Mr Patrick Brindle

Affiliation: SAGE