RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Monday 2nd July PM (15.30 - 17.00)

Title: Nudging and Norms

Name: Peter John

Affiliation: University of Manchester

Abstract Details

This panel is about the use of randomised controlled trials to evaluate behaviour change interventions. In particular, it showcases recent experiments carried out by central government departments and the Cabinet Office's Behavioural Insights Team. The panel includes two researchers working for government who are designing these trials. The theme is the redesign of the information environment of the citizens, who may be guided by internet interactions, contacts from phones and from paper letters. Such information signals - or nudges - can convey social norms and thereby increase socially desirable collective action.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Helen Margetts


The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 15:30

Presentation title: Leadership without leaders? Starters and followers in on-line collective action

Author: Professor Helen Margetts

Affiliation: University of Oxford

Presenter 2

Start time: 15:50

Presentation title: Norms, nudging and taxes

Author: Mr Michael Hallsworth

Affiliation: Institute for Government

Presenter 3

Start time: 16:10

Presentation title: Using randomized experiments to develop effective tax collection strategies

Author: Professor Donald Green

Affiliation: Columbia University

Presenter 4

Start time: 16:10

Presentation title: Using randomized experiments to develop effective tax collection strategies

Author: Dr Laura Haynes

Affiliation: Cabinet Office

Presenter 5

Start time: 16:30

Presentation title: Discussion

Author: Professor Peter John

Affiliation: University College London