RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Thursday 5th July (14.15 - 15.30)

Title: Participatory Research with Diasporic Youth

Name: Tracey Reynolds

Affiliation: London South Bank University

Abstract Details

This session examines how young people's understandings of identity, belonging and community are constructed, contested, and communicated to others. The papers presented here critically reflect on the new insights and knowledge that participatory methods produce for the participants and researchers. The discussions also show that culturally located narratives that emerge with the use of different types of participatory techniques are dialogical, illustrative and embodied (Kaptani and Yuval-Davis, 2008). Participatory research with diasporic youth bring into sharp focus the complexities of social positioning and power relations when conducting empirical research with marginalised communities.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title: Participatory research and diasporic and transnational youth

Author: Dr Elisabetta Zontini

Affiliation: University of Nottingham

Presenter 2

Start time: 14:30

Presentation title: Making space for ambiguity: the value of multiple and participatory methods in research with young migrants

Author: Dr Caitri­ona Ni Laoire

Affiliation: University College Cork, Ireland

Presenter 3

Start time: 14:50

Presentation title: Creative encounters: drama as a method for exploring cultural identity and diasporic spaces with minority ethnic students

Author: Dr Yvonne Robinson

Affiliation: London South Bank University

Presenter 4

Start time: 15:10

Presentation title: Participatory action research with young migrants: some ethical and political dilemmas

Author: Dr Davide Pero

Affiliation: University of Nottingham