RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Wednesday 4th July PM (16.00 - 17.30)

Title: Lyrical Methods: Explorations with Andrew Abbott

Name: Ann Phoenix

Affiliation: NCRM Node NOVELLA, Institute of Education

Abstract Details

This workshop explores a method that Andrew Abbott is developing and calls 'lyrical sociology'. Lyrical methods differ from narrative methods because they are not about telling stories, but about using images. Lyrical sociology focuses on the positioning of the analyst and of the object of study at a particular moment of time rather than analysing processes over time that produce outcomes. Instead of using language as the main medium, lyrical sociology focuses on images and aims to communicate researchers' emotional stance toward their object of study, rather than to 'explain' that object.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: Lyrical Methods

Author: Professor Andrew Abbott

Affiliation: University of Chicago