RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Tuesday 3rd July AM (09.15 - 12.45)

Title: Voice in Research

Name: Melanie Nind

Affiliation: NCRM Hub, University of Southampton

Abstract Details

This session is an opportunity to explore voice in qualitative research, looking at the concept of voice critically and practically (Nind). We will go on to a survey of the field of visual research focussing on voice and participatory approaches with pointers to helpful resources (Thomson). We will then address cultural assumptions around hearing voice(s), responding and acting, and in particular, the affordances of video within the visual, using the notion of different forms of voice: critical, therapeutic and authoritative (Haw & Hadfield).

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Kaye Haw

Video and Voice

Presenter: Melanie Nind

Voice in research: Introducing and problematising voice

Presenter: Pat Thomson

Voice in visual research

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 09:15

Presentation title: Melanie Nind

Author: Professor Melanie Nind

Affiliation: University of Southampton/ NCRM

Presenter 2

Start time: 09:45

Presentation title: The potentials and challenges of visual research

Author: Professor Pat Thomson

Affiliation: University of Nottingham

Presenter 3

Start time: 11:15

Presentation title: Video and the articulation of voice

Author: Dr Kaye Haw

Affiliation: University of Nottingham

Presenter 4

Start time: 11:15

Presentation title: Video and the articulation of voice

Author: Professor Mark Hadfield

Affiliation: University of Wolverhampton