RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Monday 2nd July PM (15.30 - 17.00)

Title: Feminism Counts: Critical Methodologies for Gender Research

Name: Christina Hughes

Affiliation: University of Warwick

Abstract Details

This session has been designed to be as interactive as possible and aims to (a) introduce participants to debates and approaches by feminists to quantitative research; (b) highlight how feminist analysis can make significant contributions to mainstream methodological thought. The session will provide relevant overviews and examples from research and will include a practical workshop designed to enable participants to engage in thinking through the issues associated with feminist research design. The session is open to researchers of any methodological persuasion and does not presume any advanced forms of statistical

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Susan O'shea

Using Social Network Analysis in Feminist Research

Presenter: Cohen Rachel

Does Feminism Count: Exploring practice and possibilities

Presenter: Tracey Warren

Quantitative methods and the analysis of inequalities in unpaid domestic work

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 15:30

Presentation title: The Methodological Impact of Feminism

Author: Professor Christina Hughes

Affiliation: University of Warwick

Presenter 2

Start time: 15:30

Presentation title: The Methodological Impact of Feminism

Author: Dr Rachel Cohen

Affiliation: University of Surrey

Presenter 3

Start time: 15:50

Presentation title: Quantitative methods and the analysis of inequalities in unpaid domestic work

Author: Dr Tracey Warren

Affiliation: University of Nottingham

Presenter 4

Start time: 16:20

Presentation title: Social Network Analysis Workshop

Author: Ms Susan O'Shea

Affiliation: University of Manchester