RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Wednesday 4th July PM (16.00 - 17.30)

Title: Innovative Methods - New and Changing Forms of Work

Name: Pauline Leonard

Affiliation: University of Southampton

Abstract Details

In order to capture the ways in which work, workplaces and working lives are changing, a range of new and innovative methods are developing. This session will focus on a selection of these, including forms of workplace participant observation which involve 'getting stuck in'; the role of visual material such as archive photography, paintings, video and film in the remembrance of work and occupational culture; the 'nowaytomakealiving.net' website which studies work through visual and sensory methodologies; and the use of social media and the Web to explore new forms of work and organization.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Katie Bruce

Getting Stuck In: Participant Observation in the Field

Presenter: Dawn Lyon

No Way to Make a Living.net: Presence and absence on a website about work

Presenter: Tim Strangleman

Visualising Redundancy: Reflections on collaborating with filmmakers on 'Watermark'

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: Remembering work: The role of the visual in the exploration of employment

Author: Professor Tim Strangleman

Affiliation: School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent

Presenter 2

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: nowaytomakealiving.net

Author: Dr Dawn Lyon

Affiliation: School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent

Presenter 3

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: nowaytomakealiving.net

Author: Dr Lynne Pettinger

Affiliation: University of Essex

Presenter 4

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: Getting stuck in : participant observation in the field

Author: Mrs Katie Bruce

Affiliation: Third Sector Research Centre, Univesrity of Southampton

Presenter 5

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: Using the Internet

Author: Dr Pauline Leonard

Affiliation: Social Sciences, University of Southampton

Presenter 6

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: Using the Internet

Author: Professor Susan Halford

Affiliation: Social Sciences, University of Southampton