RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Wednesday 4th July PM (16.00 - 17.30)

Title: Pathways from Disadvantage to Health: Demonstration of Applications

Name: Emily Grundy

Affiliation: NCRM Node Pathways, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Abstract Details

In this session some of the methods discussed in sessions 1 and 2 will be illustrated by showing early results from two substantive projects. The first investigates pathways from social disadvanatge to infant mortality using data from the ONS Longitudinal Study. The second focuses on associations between fertility histories and later life health.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Bianca De stavola

Social disadvantage and infant mortlaity

Presenter: Emily Grundy

Fertility histories and later life health

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title: Social disadvantage and infant mortality

Author: Professor Bianca DeStavola

Affiliation: Pathways, LSHTM

Presenter 2

Start time: 16:40

Presentation title: Fertility histories and later life health

Author: Professor Emily Grundy

Affiliation: Pathways, University of Cambridge