RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Thursday 5th July (14.15 - 15.30)

Title: How to Look After and Manage Your Data

Name: Louise Corti

Affiliation: UK Data Archive, University of Essex

Abstract Details

While many PhDs are acquiring the skills to collect and analyse data, the skills required to enable ongoing longer-term re-use of those data rarely feature in training, and are often only learned later when working on large and well coordinated research projects.

This session will introduce professional data skills that can help prepare you for you research careers. Through the use of hands-on exercises you will have gain a greater understanding of what it 'means' to manage and store research data, and of the responsibilities you have for meeting ethical and legal requirements for your research data.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Louise Corti

Looking after and managing your research data

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title: Introduction to managing your research data

Author: Ms Louise Coti

Affiliation: Uk Data Archive, University of Essex

Presenter 2

Start time: 14:30

Presentation title: Are you data really safe...?

Author: Ms Louise Corti

Affiliation: Uk Data Archive, University of Essex

Presenter 3

Start time: 15:00

Presentation title: Informed consent and anonomying data

Author: Ms Louise Corti

Affiliation: Uk Data Archive, University of Essex