RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Wednesday 4th July PM (14.15 - 15.30)

Title: Expanding Your Methodological Comfort Zone

Name: Mike Wallace

Affiliation: ESRC Researcher Development Initiative, Cardiff University

Abstract Details

This workshop will explore with research students and early career academics one aspect of the transition over time from 'novice' to 'expert' researcher. Our recent investigations into the nature of expert thinking in social science research indicate that one needs a broad methodological 'literacy', so that the right tool can be used for the investigative job in hand. Participants will be invited to extend their comfort zone by considering different ways of addressing a complex research problem, identifying the risks and benefits of combining approaches, and considering the practicalities of managing a larger box of methodological tools.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title: Expanding your methodological comfort zone

Author: Professor Alison Wray

Affiliation: Cardiff University

Presenter 2

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title: Expanding your methodological comfort zone

Author: Professor Mike Wallace

Affiliation: Cardiff University