NCRM training overview

Research methods training is at the core of NCRM's mission. On this page, you can find links to our searchable training database and the full programme of forthcoming NCRM courses. The database provides up-to-date information on an extensive range of courses run by NCRM, our partners, specialist training providers and universities from across the UK.

This page also includes information about bursaries, plus programme details for major events past and present, including Research Methods Festivals. Don't forget, we also have a wide range of online resources and publications that you can access right now. To receive updates about our latest training courses, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Short courses


NCRM hosts major events each year, in addition to our ongoing programme of short courses and workhops. These events include our biennial Research Methods Festival, which we have run since 2008. The pages below provide programme overviews from the individual events, as well as links to presentations, videos and resources.

Upcoming events

Past events