Methods News
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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.
The Report of the Inquiry into the 2015 British general election opinion polls is now available. …
The Maintaining high response rates is it worth the effort? event was held at the Royal Statistical Society, London on the 3rd March 2016. The seminar …
NCRM video and audio podcast series features a wide range of research methods related topics discussed by experts from NCRM affiliated projects and events. Latest video: …
One of the initial roles of the Training and Capacity Building (TCB) directorate of the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), was to consult and liaise …
Longitudinal surveys face significant challenges due to the rise in survey costs, attrition over time, and non-coverage of the target population. A promising solution to some …
The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) Autumn School on Radical Interdisciplinarity in the Social Sciences was the ideal place to consider some of the methodological …
The NCRM are pleased to announce the results of our first International Visitor Exchange Scheme (IVES) competition. Applications for visits to the UK by leading researchers …
Creative research methods are often treated as though they are new, yet people have always used creative ways of solving problems. We say, ‘necessity is the …