NCRM videos

Multilevel Modelling – Methods Matter: Series 1, Episode 4

Leah Fullegar


This is episode four of the Methods Matter podcast. In expert corner for this episode is Bill Browne, a Professor of Statistics who works across many disciplines including education, and animal welfare and behaviour. His research spans the area of statistical modelling, from the development of statistical methods to fit realistically complex statistical models to describe real-life problems, and the implementation of those models in statistical software. In researcher ranch is Dr Jacqueline Mogle. Dr Mogle is Co-Director of ReMind Lab, which focuses on promoting health and well-being in older adults and identifying early indicators of changes in psychological and cognitive health. Dr Mogle’s current projects examine psychological and behavioural risk factors associated with the development of early cognitive decline. These projects are designed to uncover early intervention targets for older adults prior to precipitous declines in everyday cognitive functioning.