Methods News

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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

Report: Review of the Typology of Research Methods within the Social Sciences

New paper 'Review of the Typology of Research Methods within the Social Sciences' by Rebekah Luff, Dorothy Byatt and David Martin is now published in NCRM report series. The …

New ESRC Framework for Research Ethics

As the principal funding agency for UK social science research, ESRC requires that the research they support is designed and conducted in accordance with recognised best …

What can qualitative researchers and teachers learn from quantitative researchers and teachers (and vice versa)?

This article by Martyn Chamberlain also appears in the MethodsNews Autumn 2014 issue. The International Benchmarking Review of Sociology (Parker et al. 2010) highlighted how in terms of both content …

Blog post from NCRM 'embedded librarian': We can do more for you! Librarians working as part of the research teams

Earlier this year the IT as a Utility Network offered an opportunity for Dorothy Byatt, Librarian at the University of Southampton, to be embedded in an …

Call for papers: Improving productivity in developing countries

Most downloaded paper in 2014: Introduction to visualising spatial data in R

In 2014 the most downloaded NCRM paper was Introduction to visualising spatial data in R by Robin Lovelace and James Chesire, from the Talisman node of …

New Research Methods for Education book series by Bloomsbury publishing

Bloomsbury publishing has announced a new Bloomsbury Research Methods for Education series, which will be edited by the NCRM Co-Director Professor Melanie Nind. This new series provides …

Walking and talking: Mobile methods for understanding families' everyday environments in India and the UK

This article by Catherine Walker, Janet Boddy and Ann Phoenix also appears in the MethodsNews Autumn 2014 issue.   Everyday life has long been an object of social theorising and …