Short course -

Getting creative with note taking and presentations (day1)


Bio: Dr Emily Bradfield is an Independent Arts Consultant and Researcher who supports people to reimagine evaluation and manage projects creatively, creating bespoke visually engaging and impactful evaluation reports and other creative outputs. She is also Charity Director at Arts and Minds, an arts and mental health charity working across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Emily holds a PhD in Creative Ageing (University of Derby) and an MSc in Cultural Events Management (De Montfort University). She is passionate about bridging the gap between research and practice, advocating arts for social change and weaving creativity throughout research, evaluation and practice. During her PhD research, Emily developed her own style of visual note taking, #CreativeCapture.

Our brains capture information differently. For some people; long; wordy documents work; but others; like me are visual learners. I aim to bring creativity into everything I do; including preparing presentations and taking notes at conferences. There are many creative approaches which aim to capture key ideas through text; images and other graphic elements. Over the past 5 years; I have developed my own unique style of visual notes; termed Creative Capture (please add Trade Mark symbol). I'm often asked 'can you teach me?' and to be honest; the answer is no! But don't let that put you off - it's all about playing around until you find an approach that works for you. If you've ever been to a conference and been dis-engaged as you view yet another slide of words which are too small to read; this is the course for you! This short course will run over 2 half-days.

This is booked through the NCRM training database at an additional charge which includes a free festival pass; Getting creative with note taking and presentations (part of the RMeF2021) (