Mixing it Up: an advanced level introduction to mixed methods research


27/02/2017 - 28/03/2017

Organised by:

University of Warwick


Dr. Felicity Boardman and Dr. Rebecca Johnson


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Judith McAllister, ESRCdtc@warwick.ac.uk


View in Google Maps  (CV47AL)


Wolfson Research Exchange, Library, Library Road, University of Warwick (central campus)


Mixed research methods are becoming increasing used in the health and social sciences, and yet students often struggle with analysing and integrating their mixed qualitative and quantitative data sources.

This two day practical application-focused workshop will provide health and social science students with intensive training in mixed methods data analysis. It is aimed at PhD students who have either already collected, or plan to collect, both qualitative and quantitative data.

Day one will cover an introduction to key analysis strategies in mixed methods research (including separate, combined analyses and data transformation), with examples and activities using the workshop leaders’ data from previous mixed methods studies.

On day two, through the use of group and individual activities, students will get an opportunity to focus on their own data. They will each develop an analysis plan unique to their project, using the techniques taught on day one, and under the supervision of the workshop leaders, to be presented to the group at the end of day two.



Free with a small number of travel bursaries available

Website and registration:


West Midlands


Evaluation Research, Participatory Research, Mixed Methods, Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research, Qualitative Interviewing, Quality in Qualitative Research, Quality in Quantitative Research, Mixed Methods Data Handling and Data Analysis, Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Mixed Methods Approaches (other), Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination (other)

Related publications and presentations:

Evaluation Research
Participatory Research
Mixed Methods
Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research
Qualitative Interviewing
Quality in Qualitative Research
Quality in Quantitative Research
Mixed Methods Data Handling and Data Analysis
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Mixed Methods Approaches (other)
Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination (other)

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