CAQDAS Qualitative Software Planning Seminar
Organised by:
NCRM, University of Southampton
Dr Christina Silver, University of Surrey
Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)
Jacqui Thorp
Training and Capacity Building Co-ordinator
Phone: 02380594069
View in Google Maps (BT7 1NN)
Training Room 2, Graduate School, Queens University Belfast, University Road, Belfast
Choosing the appropriate software to facilitate qualitative or mixed methods analysis is an important part of planning any research project. There are a range of options available, collectively known as Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) packages. However, it is not always easy to visualise exactly what a package offers when exploring it for the first time yourself. Equally, when asking someone else for their opinion, it is not always easy to know what questions you should be asking.
This seminar will help you make an informed choice between products.
The course covers:
- Principles of CAQDAS packages and their role in qualitative/mixed-methods research
- Similarities and differences between CAQDAS packages in the context of analytic needs
- Demonstrations of several software packages, using real-world research projects
- Key factors in making an informed choice between products
By the end of the course participants will:
- Understand how the use of a CAQDAS package can contribute to analysis
- Understand the main similarities and differences between CAQDAS packages
- Know which CAQDAS packages are most appropriate to their project needs
- Know where to obtain more information about and training in the CAQDAS packages they are interested in
This seminar is suitable for any student or researcher interested in using dedicated CAQDAS packages to facilitate qualitative or mixed methods analysis. It is relevant for those working in any sector or discipline and at any stage of their research career.
It is desirable (but not required) for participants to read the following short document before attending:
“Choosing a CAQDAS package: Overview of Common Functionality”
The fee per teaching day is:
• £30 per day for UK/EU registered students
• £60 per day for staff at UK/EU academic institutions, UK/EU Research Councils researchers, UK/EU public sector staff and staff at UK/EU registered charity organisations and recognised UK/EU research institutions.
• £220 per day for all other participants
All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.
Website and registration:
Northern Ireland
Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, ICT and Software, Qualitative Software, Computer Aided Qualitative Analysis Software (CAQDAS)
Related publications and presentations:
Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis
ICT and Software
Qualitative Software
Computer Aided Qualitative Analysis Software (CAQDAS)