Emerging ethical issues in cross cultural research: ethical dilemmas and practice in research co


05/05/2005 - 06/05/2005

Organised by:

University of Sussex, School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies


Prof. J.M. Homwood


Advanced (specialised prior knowledge)


Applications to attend the seminars (and conference) are welcome. Places for the seminars are limited and early contact to j.holmwood@sussex.ac.uk would be appreciated, including details of relevant research interests. Preference will be given to those attending more than one seminar.

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Venue: Online


This is one of the projects of the Southampton-based Hub of the National Centre for Research Methods designed to develop new methodologies for social science.

The topic of the seminars is ‘Cross-Cultural and Comparative Research Methods: the Challenges of Global Social Science’. The issues will be addressed in three focused, but linked seminar/ workshops each taking place over two days at the University of Sussex:
1. Emerging ethical issues in cross cultural research: ethical dilemmas and practice in research collaborations between social sciences and medicine. (5-6 May 2005).
2. Problems and possibilities in 'multi-sited' ethnography (27-28 June 2005)
3. Small and Large-N Comparative Solutions (22-23 Sept 2005).

Each workshop is interdisciplinary and will involve approximately 25 invited participants, drawn from international networks of academic researchers and users of research. The academic participants are expected to attend at least two of the workshops. Participants will present short papers on key methodological issues. The idea is both to identify a research problem and propose possible solutions to it. These will be the basis of discussion (the papers and discussion comments will be published on a web-site for the benefit of participants at other seminars as well as a wider audience). It is also expected that the papers will be published separately as 3-5000 word working papers. The workshops will comprise 5-6 sessions over two days, beginning at mid-day on day one and ending late afternoon on day two with a roundtable.

The seminar series will conclude with a one-day conference on ‘The challenge to global social inquiry: inclusion, exclusion, and participation’ (18 November 2005).


Comparative and Cross National Research

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Comparative and Cross National Research

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