An Introduction to Critical Praxeological Analysis (online)


10/09/2025 - 11/09/2025

Organised by:

University of Liverpool


Dr Phil Hutchinson and Khadijah Diskin


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Dr Billie-Gina Thomason

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Venue: Online


Critical Praxeological Analysis (CPA) is a new approach which provides a way of conducting critical qualitative research.

CPA synthesises ideas from three key areas: Wittgensteinian philosophy, particularly the method of grammatical investigation; ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, with a focus on praxeological gestalts; and critical research, especially critical phenomenology. This synthesis provides a robust method for critical qualitative research. 

In this online introductory course, the authors of the approach, Khadijah Diskin and Phil Hutchinson, will provide newcomers with a foundation in CPA, by laying out the philosophical background, outlining the stages of project development and analysis, and then ending the day by facilitating a CPA data session on some recent data that might serve as a topic for CPA studies.

This course will assume no prior knowledge of either CPA, Critical Phenomenology or Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis and so works as perfect introduction for those who are looking for a method of critical qualitative research.


The course will cover the following:

Respecifying critical research

We explain how the purpose of CPA is to provide a procedure for conducting critical qualitative research. Where much critical research is based in theoretical or formal analyses, CPA provides a process for conducting qualitative praxeological analyses which are designed to recover the experiences of members of society.

The philosophical resources of CPA

We introduce the resources that feed into CPA. These are the grammatical investigations of Wittgensteinian philosophy, the praxeological Gestalts of ethnomethodology and CPA’s concept of discordant Gestalts and the extending of the unique adequacy requirement. Each of these will be explained in easy-to-grasp ways with the use of examples.

Selecting a topic and designing a project

We take you through a step-by-step process of selecting a topic, designing, and executing a CPA project.


Data session

We end the course by conducting a group data session on some recently acquired data. This will help participants become familiar with how a CPA researcher handles data and what it is to be attuned to aspects of the material as a CPA researcher. The data will be audio or video data gathered in the ‘wild’ and will be from recent events (i.e. 2024).


Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will have a good understanding of the purpose of conducting a CPA, understand the philosophical building blocks of CPA, and have a working understanding of what it is to be a CPA researcher.
  • Participants will learn and understand the stages of CPA project design.
  • Participants will have hands-on experience of handling and analysing data as a CPA researcher.


10th September 2025: 9am - 4:30pm

11th September 2025: 9am - 2pm


The fee per teaching day is £60 per day for students / £150 per day for staff working for academic institutions, Research Councils and other recognised research institutions, registered charity organisations and the public sector / £350 per day for all other participants.

In the event of cancellation by the delegate a full refund of the course fee is available up to two weeks prior to the course. NO refunds are available after this date. If it is no longer possible to run a course due to circumstances beyond its control, NCRM reserves the right to cancel the course at its sole discretion at any time prior to the event. In this event every effort will be made to reschedule the course. If this is not possible or the new date is inconvenient a full refund of the course fee will be given. NCRM shall not be liable for any costs, losses or expenses that may be incurred as a result of its cancellation of a course, including but not limited to any travel or accommodation costs.

The University of Southampton’s Online Store T&Cs also continue to apply.

Website and registration:

Register for this course


North West


Frameworks for Research and Research Designs, Data Collection, Critical Praxeological Analysis

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Frameworks for Research and Research Designs
Data Collection

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