‘Lessons from Covid-19 data’ Webinar



Organised by:



Jools Kasmire, Alle Bloom, Rosie Mansfield


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Sandra Gogacz - sandra.gogacz@manchester.ac.uk

video conference logo

Venue: Online


The Data Resources Training Network is launching their  2024 webinar series, co-organised by the NCRM, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Urban Big Data Centre, European Social Survey and the UK Data Service. The details of this year's first session are found below. 

Lessons from Covid-19 Data 

The webinar will focus on secondary, quantitative data. It will take place on Teams Tuesday 30th of April 2024  from 15:00 to 16:30. The speakers will be: 

  • Jools Kasmire from the UK Data Service (UKDS), who will give an introduction to data sets available. 
  • Alle Bloom who will cover the response of the UKDS to the pandemic, exploring how they have adapted to researchers’ needs and reflecting on the valuable lessons they have learnt from this
  • Rosie Mansfield who will present evidence from four British longitudinal studies on the interrelationships between social isolation and loneliness and their correlates among older British adults before and during the lockdown. Her use of multiple successive birth cohorts, alongside a multigenerational aging cohort, provided the opportunity to examine cross-generational differences in experiences during the pandemic allowing to separate age or cohort effects from period effects.


Each talk will be followed by a quick-fire question and answer slot.





Website and registration:


North West


Data Collection, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Data Resources

Related publications and presentations:

Data Collection
Longitudinal Data Analysis

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