Data in the spotlight: Large scale social surveys



Organised by:

UK Data Service


Dr Nigel de Noronha


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Gill Meadows

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Venue: Online


Did you know that data from major social surveys such as the British Social Attitudes survey, the Labour Force Survey and the Health Survey for England can be accessed for research and teaching?

These UK surveys provide a rich source of data from representative samples on important social and economic topics including work, family life, health, and social and political attitudes. Our collection includes surveys from the National Centre for Social Research, Office for National Statistics and other producers. In most cases, you can simply download the data once registered with the UK Data Service.

This free introductory workshop is intended for anyone who wants to learn about survey data available from the UK Data Service. The session will cover:

- the UK datasets available from the UK Data Service
- key features of survey data with examples from commonly used surveys
- how to access the data and getting further help

The workshop will consist of a 30 minute presentation, followed by a practical demonstration of the facilities to find data and a further 20 minutes for questions.



Website and registration:

Register for this course




Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis

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