Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis with Life Science Applications (postponed)


19/09/2024 - 20/09/2024

Organised by:

NCRM and S3RI, University of Southampton


Professor Dankmar Boehning


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Jacqui Thorp
Training and Capacity Building Coordinator, National Centre for Research Methods, University of Southampton


View in Google Maps  (SO17 1BJ)


Room 2015, Building 39, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton, Hants



This is a two-day course on statistical methods for meta-analysis using the package STATA. The first day gives an overview on traditional techniques used in meta-analysis. The second day present more recent state-of-the-art modelling including mixed Poisson and binomial regression. The teaching style of the course is a mix of lectures and practical work. 

The course covers: 

  • Basic elements: Effect measures of interest; Mantel-Haenszel, case studies, continuous outcomes; graphical techniques, precalculated effect measures

  • Heterogeneity: why is there heterogeneity, study as random effect, sub-group analysis, meta-regression

  • Meta-analysis of rare events: what are the issues? Mantel-Haenszel estimation 

  • Modelling approaches for rare meta-analysis: Poisson and binomial with fixed and random effects

  • Meta-analysis for rare events: single- and double-zero studies and their effect

  • Conditional logistic regression

By the end of the course participants will:

  •  Be able to do a simple statistical meta-analysis using traditional techniques
  • Be able to do a more advanced model-based meta-analysis 
  • Know in which meta-analysis setting to apply the most appropriate statistical approach 

Preparatory Reading

Introduction to Meta-Analysis, second edition (authors: Michael Borenstein, Larry V Hedges, Julian P T Higgins and Hannah R Rothstein.

Knowledge in STATA is helpful but not an essential pre-requisite.

This course will take place at the University of Southampton from 9am to 5pm both days (please note refreshments will be provided but lunch will not).



9.00 -9.30    Registrations and refreshments

9.30-11.00    L1: Basic elements: Effect measures of interest; Mantel-Haenszel, case studies, continuous outcomes; graphical techniques, precalculated effect measures

11.00-11.30    Morning break – Tea, coffee and biscuits 

11.30-12.30    P1: Basic elements

12.30-14.00    Lunch

14.30-15.30    L2: Heterogeneity: why is there heterogeneity, study as random effect, sub-group analysis, meta-regression

15.30-16.00    Afternoon break – Tea, coffee and biscuits

16.00-17.00     P2: Heterogeneity


9.00-10.00    L3: Meta-analysis of rare events: what are the issues? Mantel-Haenszel estimation 

10.00-10.30    Morning break – Tea, Coffee and biscuits

10.30-11:30    L4: Modelling approaches for rare meta-analysis: Poisson and binomial with fixed and random effects

11.30-12.30    P4: Modelling approaches for rare meta-analysis

12.30-14.00    Lunch

14.00-14.30    L5: Meta-analysis for rare events: single- and double-zero studies and their effect

14.30-15.00    L6: Conditional logistic regression

15.30-16.00    Afternoon break – Tea, coffee and biscuits

16.00-16.30    P6: Conditional logistic regression

16.30-17.00    Discussion

L = Lecture, P= Practical 


The fee per teaching day is: • £150 per day for students registered at University. • £300 per day for staff at academic institutions,Research Councils researchers, public sector staff and staff at registered charity organisations and recognised research institutions. • £350 per day for all other participants All fees include event materials and morning and afternoon refreshments. Lunch is not provided. Fees do not include travel and accommodation costs. In the event of cancellation by the delegate a full refund of the course fee is available up to two weeks prior to the course. NO refunds are available after this date. If it is no longer possible to run a course due to circumstances beyond its control, NCRM reserves the right to cancel the course at its sole discretion at any time prior to the event. In this event every effort will be made to reschedule the course. If this is not possible or the new date is inconvenient a full refund of the course fee will be given. NCRM shall not be liable for any costs, losses or expenses that may be incurred as a result of its cancellation of a course, including but not limited to any travel or accommodation costs. The University of Southampton’s Online Store T&Cs also continue to apply.

Website and registration:


South East


Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, Stata, Comparative research, Research synthesis, Evaluation research, Model-based meta-analysis, Rare events meta-analysis

Related publications and presentations:

Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis

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