Questionnaire Design for Mixed-Mode, Web and Mobile Web Surveys - Online (few places remaining)
16/04/2024 - 18/04/2024
Organised by:
NCRM, University of Southampton
Dr Pamela Campanelli
Intermediate (some prior knowledge)
Jacqui Thorp
Training and Capacity Building Co-Ordinator, National Centre for Research Methods, University of Southampton
Venue: Online
In this live online course, learn about questionnaire design in the context of different modes of data collection. Explore question wording issues, the questionnaire as a whole and visual concerns when moving from interviewer-administered to web survey, when creating a web survey in general and when facing the questionnaire design challenges in creating mobile-friendly web surveys. Mirroring in-person training this will be an interactive course and will also have workshops throughout.
The course covers:
- The push towards mixed mode, web and mobile web surveys
- Questionnaire design revision - Getting started, trade-offs, general guidelines, beware of certain question formats
- Question design solutions for comprehension issues - Appendix for memory and sensitivity issues
- Don't rely on survey templates
- Mixing modes of data collection, some overall mode differences, mode effects by question content and format
- From interview survey to web survey
- Web survey questionnaire requirements and options, web surveys can include . . . but should we?, importance of visual layout, unexpected issues with HTML formats
- Push to web
- Questionnaires for mobile web surveys - earlier evidence, later findings, current thinking on making a questionnaire mobile-friendly
By the end of the course participants will:
- Have better knowledge about questionnaire-related mode differences and effects
- Have the skill to change an existing interviewer-administered questionnaire to a web survey
- Have the ability to create effective web survey questionnaires as well as mobile-friendly ones
- Have greater questionnaire design skills in general and the ability to critique existing survey templates
This course is for anyone involved in mixed-mode, web and/or mobile web surveys. Participants need familiarity with surveys and questionnaire design.
This course is taught over three afternoons on 16-18 April from 12:00-16:30 and equates to two teaching days (for payment purposes).
Preparatory Reading
Desirable for participants to read:
DAY 1 (16 APRIL)
12.00-12.20 Introductions
12.20-12.40 The push towards mixed mode, web and mobile web surveys and course overview
12.40-13.00 Questionnaire design revision - Getting started, trade-offs, general guidelines
13.00-13.10 Break
13.10-13.30 Getting started, trade-offs, general guidelines (continued)
13.30-14.05 Workshop 1
14.05-14.15 Break
14.15-15.00 Questionnaire design revision - Beware of certain question formats
15.00-15.10 Question design solutions for comprehension issues - Appendix for memory and sensitivity issues
15.10-15.20 Break
15.20-16.00 Don't rely on survey templates
16.00-16.30 Workshop 2
DAY 2 (17 APRIL)
12.00-12.10 Mixing modes of data collection
12.10-13.00 Some overall mode differences; Mode effects by question content and format
13.00-13.10 Break
13.10-13.40 Mode differences (continued)
13.40-14.10 From interview survey to web survey
14.10-14.20 Break
14.20-14.40 From interview survey to web survey (continued)
14.40-15.20 Workshop 3
15.20-15.30 Break
15.30-15.55 Web survey questionnaire requirements and options
15.55-16.20 Web surveys can include . . . But should we?
16.20-16.30 Importance of visual layout for web survey
DAY 3 (18 APRIL)
12.00-12.10 Mixing modes of data collection
12.10-13.00 Some overall mode differences; Mode effects by question content and format
13.00-13.10 Break
13.10-13.40 Mode differences (continued)
13.40-14.10 From interview survey to web survey
14.10-14.20 Break
14.20-14.40 From interview survey to web survey (continued)
14.40-15.20 Workshop 3
15.20-15.30 Break
15.30-15.55 Web survey questionnaire requirements and options
15.55-16.20 Web surveys can include . . . But should we?
16.20-16.30 Importance of visual layout for web survey
The fee per teaching day is: • £30 per day for students. • £60 per day for staff at academic institutions, Research Councils researchers, public sector staff and staff at registered charity organisations and recognised research institutions. • £100 per day for all other participants In the event of cancellation by the delegate a full refund of the course fee is available up to two weeks prior to the course. NO refunds are available after this date. If it is no longer possible to run a course due to circumstances beyond its control, NCRM reserves the right to cancel the course at its sole discretion at any time prior to the event. In this event every effort will be made to reschedule the course. If this is not possible or the new date is inconvenient a full refund of the course fee will be given. NCRM shall not be liable for any costs, losses or expenses that may be incurred as a result of its cancellation of a course, including but not limited to any travel or accommodation costs. The University of Southampton’s Online Store T&Cs also continue to apply.
Website and registration:
South East
Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination, Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination (other), Survey and Questionnaire Design, Online questionnaire , Mode effects , Mobile-friendly , Mixed-mode surveys
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