Narrative Research by Distance Learning


20/09/2020 - 16/01/2021

Organised by:

Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London


Prof Corinne Squire


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Corinne Squire,

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Venue: Online


The Postgraduate Associate Certificate in Narrative Research by Distance Learning at the Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London, is a unique interdisciplinary programme, drawing on social sciences and the humanities to provide graduate-level education in narrative theories and methods. gives students experience in the application of narrative concepts and analysis to particular fields. In addition, the programme develops more general skills of review, criticism, and team and individual research, all within the context of narrative research.

The programme provides 30 UK postgraduate Masters (Level 7) credits. It can be taken singly or in combination, alongside other UEL Masters' level modules. The module is suitable for participants from many disciplinary backgrounds. Participants take it as part of Masters programmes, as part of PhD training, as skills development for research in applied and community settings, and in order to expand their methodological range as academic researchers.

This programme provides students with an overview of the range of narrative research methodologies. Beginning with an exploration of the meaning of narrative, the module outlines Labovian methods, biographical methods and context-oriented methods. It then considers three key fields of narrative research: oral, personal narratives; written narratives (including autobiographies and letters); visual narratives; digital narratives; and process or activity narratives. Through a range of theoretical perspectives, we shall be attempting to address a number of questions; for instance: How do people come to see themselves as distinct subjects about whom a story can be told? What role do memory, ideology, sense of audience, etc. play in people's accounts of their lives? How do class, ethnicity, gender and other social characteristics shape the stories people tell? What do we look for when we analyze accounts of people's lives? What are the forms and effects of decolonizing approaches to narrative research?

The programme content is all available online and can be downloaded and worked on offline, for those with limited internet access. We will also have Teams, Zoom or other platform group seminars and individual tutorial meetings,  as requested by students. 


#1,100 (Pounds sterling)

Website and registration:




Frameworks for Research and Research Designs, Data Collection, Quality in Qualitative Research, Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, Mixed Methods Data Handling and Data Analysis, Research Management and Impact, Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination, Researching Literature, Writing Skills, Conference Posters and Presentations, Alternative Methods of Dissemination, Data Visualisation, Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination (other), Narrative Research

Related publications and presentations:

Frameworks for Research and Research Designs
Data Collection
Quality in Qualitative Research
Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis
Mixed Methods Data Handling and Data Analysis
Research Management and Impact
Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination
Researching Literature
Writing Skills
Conference Posters and Presentations
Alternative Methods of Dissemination
Data Visualisation
Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination (other)

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