RMF2012 Abstracts

Session: Monday 2nd July PM (17.00 - 18.00)

Title: NCRM ANNUAL LECTURE: The challenges of the 21st century: the ineluctable need for multidisciplinarity

Name: (Professor Sir) John Beddington

Affiliation: Government Office for Science

Abstract Details

This lecture will cover some of the key challenges that are facing us in the 21st century and the real difference that the social sciences can make to addressing them. The focus will primarily be on international issues: food, water and energy security, population growth,urbanisation, migration, climate change and disease. Some key issues in the UK context will also be discussed.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presenter 1

Start time: 17:00

Presentation title: The challenges of the 21st century: the ineluctable need for multidisciplinarity

Author: Professor John Beddington

Affiliation: Government Office for Science and Government Chief Scientific Adviser