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Walking as a participatory, performative and mobile method
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Recommended reading

  • Erel, U and Reynolds, T (2018) Issue 1: Special Issue: Migrant Mothers' Creative Interventions into Racialized Citizenship, Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 41, no. 1
  • Reynolds, T and Erel, U (forthcoming June 2018) Migrant mothers making new citizens', Families, Relationships and Society
  • Pearce, L. and O'Neill, M. (2011) A Special Edition of the journal Crossings: Migration and Culture on 'The Arts of Migration' Volume 2. ISSN: 20404344,id=2044/
  • Erel, U., Reynolds, T. and Kaptani, E. (2018), Migrant mothers' creative interventions into racialized citizenship, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41 (1): 55-72.
  • Erel, Umut, Tracey Reynolds, and Erene Kaptani (2017), "Participatory theatre for transformative social research." Qualitative Research 17.3: 302-312.
  • Erel, U and Reynolds T (2014) Black Feminist Theory for Participatory Theatre with Migrant Mothers, Feminist Review Special Issue on Black British Feminism, issue 108 pp 106-111
  • O'Neill, M. (2017) Walking, well-being and community: racialized mothers building cultural citizenship using participatory arts and participatory action research in Ethnic and Racial Studies. Published on-line June 2017. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1313439
  • Haaken, J. and O'Neill, M. (2014) Moving images: Psychoanalytically-informed visual methods in documenting the lives of women migrants and asylum-seekers in Journal of Health Psychology
  • O'Neill, M. and Hubbard, P. (2012) Asylum, Exclusion, and the Social Role of Arts and Culture in Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings Leeds University
  • O'Neill, M. (2011) 'Participatory Methods and Critical Models: arts, migration and Diaspora' in Crossings:Migration and Culture on 'The Arts of Migration' Volume 2, pp13-37.
  • O'Neill, M. and Hubbard, P. (2010) 'Walking, Sensing, Belonging: ethno-mimesis as performative praxis' in Visual Studies Vol,25, No1
  • O'Neill, M. (2009) Making Connections: Ethno-mimesis, Migration and Diaspora in Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society Vol. 14, 3, 289-302
  • O'Neill, M. (2008) Transnational Refugees: The Transformative Role of Art? Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2), Art. 59,
    Book chapters
  • O'Neill, M. (2015) 'Body and Image-Space: walking, transition and belonging' in Crossing Borders: Transition and Nostalgia in Contemporary Art Edited by Dr Ming Turner and Dr Outi Remes, Taipei: Artouch Publications.
  • O'Neill, M. and Stenning, P. (2014) Walking biographies and innovations in visual and participatory methods: Community, Politics and Resistance in Downtown East Side Vancouver in The Medialization of Auto/Biographies:Different Forms and their Communicative Contexts co-edited by Heinz,C. and Hornung, G. Hamburg:UVK
  • O'Neill, M (2013) 'Women, Art, Migration and Diaspora: the turn to art in the social sciences and the 'new' sociology of art?' in Meskimmon et al Diasporic Futures, Manchester University Press