A person typing at a laptop.

Pedagogy network publications

Members of the NCRM Pedagogy Network aim to develop evidence-led pedagogic resources, training and publications. A selection of outputs are available to browse below. This page will be updated when further publications are available.

Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods

You will soon be able to see the work of members of the pedagogy network together in one place in the Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods (edited by Professor Nind, published by Edward Elgar).

Intended to be of practical use to anyone engaged in research methods education, the handbook considers the challenge of teaching and learning social research methods and includes a mix of close-to-practice and wider research on the topic in three parts:

  1. Teaching and learning research methods in the classroom
  2. Teaching and learning research methods online
  3. Teaching and learning research methods in the field and other contexts

Systematic review

As part of NCRM's pedagogic research, Professor Melanie Nind and Angeliki Katramadou conducted a systematic review of pedagogic literature published between 2014 and 2020. Read more.


Work from the network and NCRM pedagogic research is also underpinning courses for research methods teachers and trainers, for example Teaching Research Methods in the Era of Covid-19.