Registration is open for a free NCRM event that will explore the question "what is creative about creative writing?".
The full-day event, Creative Writing for Social Research, will take place in Manchester on 25 January 2024, from 09:30 to 17:30. Attendees will also have the option to watch online.
Anyone who engages with creative writing is welcome to attend, including poets, fiction writers, people involved in community groups and academics.
The event will include hands-on writing workshops, in-conversation sessions and presentations.
It will feature speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds who all use creative writing to understand or try to convey social lives and worlds.
Questions explored during the event will include:
- How is a piece of writing framed?
- What is the impact of this?
- What does calling something a poem, story or a form of data do for research participants and for academic readers?
The sessions will discuss the possibilities of these methods, as well as the practical challenges of doing them, and explore the potential synergies and connections when writers and academics write creatively with the same data or topics.
The specific timetable for the event will be forthcoming. In-person places will be limited.
Two online follow-on sessions will take place following the event, with further details to be announced soon.
The project, which is part of NCRM’s Innovation Fora programme, is being organised by Professor Sophie Woodward of NCRM and The University of Manchester.
For further information, email Professor Woodward: