Postcolonial and Indigenous Research

NCRM news
Eva Nedbalova

New QUEST (Qualitative Expertise at Southampton) seminar on:

Postcolonial and Indigenous Research
Wednesday 6th November, 14:00 - 15.30 
Building 58, Room 1023, Highfield Campus 

Presentations and speakers: 
Getting lost and finding your way home: locating practices in an Indigenous research paradigm 
Ian Calliou, Coventry University

Indigenous and non-Indigenous research partnership resources
Rosalind Edwards, University of Southampton 

The seminar is free of charge.  Booking is not required.
The presentations will be recorded and posted up on the QUEST website:

About Qualitative Expertise at Southampton (QUEST) 
QUEST brings together staff from across the University who have expertise in the development, application and teaching of qualitative methods.   Visit and register to receive updates and alerts about our qualitative methods events.