Timescapes Archive, University of Leeds


The University of Leeds’ partnership with NCRM is maintained by the Timescapes Archive. As an NCRM centre partner, its focus will be the commissioning of qualitative longitudinal and qualitative secondary analysis research methods training.

The Timescapes Archive is a specialist resource of qualitative longitudinal research data. It was first set up in 2010 under the ESRC Timescapes Initiative and developed in collaboration with the UK Data Archive.

The archive is open to researchers seeking to conduct secondary analysis of social research data, including Big Qual methods, and the archive website contains a host of resources to support well-established and early-career researchers in a range of methodological approaches, and data management and data integrity guidance.

The data in the Timescapes Archive offers exciting possibilities for analysing data through time, over the life course and across the generations. It also has a free-to-use teaching dataset, available for teaching and training.

Senior fellow

Research interests

  • The longitudinal dynamics of low-income life
  • Addictions including to heroin, internet gambling and e-cigarettes.

Selected publications

  • Hughes, K., Asmussen-Frank, V., Herold, M., and Houberg, E., (2021) Data Sharing Across International Contexts? Reflections on New Methods for International Qualitative Secondary Analysis on Heroin (Mis)Use, Qualitative Research.
  • Hughes, J., Sykes, G., Hughes, K., O’Reilly, M., Sutton, C., Goodwin, J., Karim, K (2021) ‘From gateways to multilinear connections: A qualitative longitudinal investigation of the relationships between vaping and smoking among adolescent users’. International Journal of Drug Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103341
  • Hughes, K., Hughes, J. & Tarrant, A. (2021) Working at a remove: continuous, collective, and configurative approaches to qualitative secondary analysis. Quality and Quantity. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-021-01105-x
  • Hughes, J., Hughes, K., Sykes, G., & Wright, K. (2021) Moving from what data are to what researchers do with them: a response to Martyn Hammersley, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1874606
  • Hughes, J., Hughes, K., Sykes, G., & Wright, K. (2020) Response to Whitaker and Atkinson, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2020.1806590
  • Hughes, K., Hughes, J. and Tarrant A., (2020) ‘Re-approaching interview data through Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Interviews with Internet Gamblers’. In Themed Section for the International Journal of Social Research Methodologies. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2020.1766759
  • Hughes J, Hughes K, Sykes G, and Wright, K., (2020) ‘Beyond Performative Talk: Critical Observations on The Radical Critique of Reading Interview Data’. In Themed Section for the International Journal of Social Research Methodologies. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2020.1766757
  • Kahryn Hughes, Jason Hughes, and Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq, Editors, (2020) ‘Making the Case for Qualitative Interviews.’ Introduction to Themed Section for the International Journal of Social Research Methodologies. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2020.1766756
  • Tarrant, A., and Hughes, K., (2021) ‘Qualitative data re-use and secondary analysis: researching in and about a crisis’, in Helen Kara and Su-Ming Khoo (ed.) Research Methods in Times of Crisis, Bristol University Press.
  • Hughes, K., and Tarrant, A., (2020) Qualitative Secondary Analysis. SAGE Publications.
  • Hughes, K., and Tarrant, A. (2020a) ‘What is Qualitative Secondary Analysis’, Chapter One, in K. Hughes, and A Tarrant (Eds). (2020) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, SAGE: London.
  • Hughes, K., and Tarrant, A. (2020b) ‘The Ethics of Qualitative Secondary Analysis’, in K. Hughes, and A Tarrant (Eds). (2020) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, SAGE: London.
  • Tarrant, A., and Hughes, K., (2020) ‘Collective Qualitative Secondary Analysis and Data-Sharing: Strategies, Insights and Challenges’, Chapter Six, in K. Hughes and A. Tarrant (eds) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, SAGE: London.
  • Tarrant, A., and Hughes, K. (2019). The Ethics of Technology Choice: Photovoice Methodology with Men Living in Low-Income Contexts. Sociological Research Online. DOI: 10.1177/1360780419878714
  • Tarrant, A. and Hughes, K. (2019) Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Building Longitudinal Samples to understand men’s generational identities in low-income contexts, Sociology, 53 (3): 599-611. DOI: 10.1177/0038038518772743