Five years of qualitative innovation - NCRM Autumn School 2010

Five years of qualitative innovation: an NCRM showcase

The National Centre for Research Methods held its sixth residential training event for early career researchers on 3-5 November 2010 at Jury's Inn Southampton. The NCRM Autumn School in 2010 was a celebration of some of the qualitative work conducted under the remit of NCRM over the last five years, focusing particularly on methodological innovations relating to researching space, place and mobility; on visual methods; and on the use of sensory data. Participants were introduced to a range of examples of innovative qualitative developments and were encouraged to think about what these might potentially offer to their own research. This annual event provides a forum for bringing together early career researchers from across NCRM as well as beyond, and provides an opportunity to explore methodological developments with researchers from diverse disciplinary and methodological backgrounds.

Programme and presenters

The NCRM Autumn School 2010 was led by Professor Sue Heath (University of Manchester).

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