RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 65 - Thursday 8th July PM (14.00 - 17.30)

Title: Causal inference

Name: Sylvia Richardson

Affiliation: NCRM BIAS node

Abstract Details

Causal inference is the area of statistical methodology aimed at identifying and estimating effects of interventions and understanding the causal mechanisms that generate the data that we observe.
This session shows the diverse applications of statistical causal research ranging from epidemiology to genetics to social science and economics. Causality as expressed by change models in environmental epidemiology; The role of mendelian randomization in explicating genetic causes; The effect of education on social mobility using path analysis; Using a natural experiment (the 1995 pill scare) and a random discontinuity design to quantify the effect of planned pregnancy on neo-natal birth.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Michael Joffe

The practical uses of causal diagrams

Presenter: Jouni Kuha

Path analysis for discrete variables: The role of education in social mobility

Presenter: Nuala A Sheehan

Mendelian Randomisation: an Instrumental Variable Approach to Inferring Causality in Observational Epidemiology

Presentation details


Start time: 14:00

Presentation title: Causal Inference in Statistics

Author: Dr. Sara Geneletti

Affiliation:London School of Economics


Start time: 14:30

Presentation title:The Practical Uses of Causal Diagrams

Author:Mike Joffe

Affiliation:Imperial College


Start time: 15:00

Presentation title:Mendelian Ransomisation: An Instrumental Variable Approach to Inferring Causality in Observational Epidemiology

Author:Nuala Sheehan

Affiliation:Leicester University


Start time: 16:00

Presentation title:Path Analysis for Discrete Variables: The Role of Education in Social Mobility

Author:Jouni Kuha

Affiliation:London School of Economics


Start time: 16:30

Presentation title:Pill Scare: An Application of the Regression Discontinuity Design

Author:Emilia Del Bono, Cheti Nicoletti and Marco Francesconi

Affiliation:University of Essex