RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 40 - Wedneday 7th July PM (14.00 - 17.30)

Title: Euroqual

Name: Helen Greenslade

Affiliation: Cardiff University

Abstract Details

Euroqual is a network of researchers in 13 European countries, funded by the European Science Foundation. It organises workshops on methodological topics in qualitative research. Members of the Euroqual consortium will present papers and lead a discussion on the current state of the art in Europe. Euroqual themes include: visual and digital methods; the analysis of places and spaces; the varieties of discourse analysis; multiple methods and qualitative research; the politics and ethics of qualitative research; the quality of qualitative research. Euroqual exists to improve the collective awareness of qualitative methods across the member states and across disciplinary boundaries.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Paul Atkinson

Knowing selves: biographical research in Europe

Presenter: Rudolf Richter

How using multi-methods makes sense

Presenter: Robin Smith

Researching Space, Place, and Setting: Perspectives on Theory and Method

Presentation details


Start time: 14:00

Presentation title: Qualitative research: European perspectives (Introduction)

Author: Paul Atkinson

Affiliation:Cardiff University


Start time: 14:10

Presentation title:How using multi-methods makes sense - and how not

Author:Rudolf Richter

Affiliation:University of Vienna


Start time: 14:50

Presentation title:Researching Space, Place and Setting: Perspectives on Theory and Method

Author:Robin Smith

Affiliation:Cardiff University


Start time: 15:30

Presentation title:Refreshment break




Start time: 16:00

Presentation title:Knowing selves: biographical research in Europe

Author:Paul Atkinson

Affiliation:Cardiff University


Start time: 16:45

Presentation title:Discussion

