RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 36 - Wedneday 7th July AM (9.15 - 12.45)

Title: Researcher Development Initiative session I, Workshop on ethics

Name: Christine Milligan

Affiliation: Lancaster University

Abstract Details

At the core of all good social science research is a commitment to good ethical practice in the development, practice and dissemination of research. This involves an understanding of ethical review processes, also what constitutes good ethical research practice in the field. This workshop provides an introduction to some of these core issues. It will draw on material from our Ethics RDI and introduce participants to the web-based Ethics Resource developed from the initiative. Participants will be offered case studies for discussion and also be invited to bring examples of ethical issues arising from their own research for discussion.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: David Archard

Ethics and theory as related to research

Presenter: Anne Buchanan

Ethics Presentation AB - ESRC Oxford

Presenter: Christine Milligan

Ethics and Ethical Practice in Research

Presentation details


Start time: 09:15

Presentation title: ESRC ethical framework and review

Author: Ann Buchanan

Affiliation:University of Oxford


Start time: 10:00

Presentation title:Ethics and theory as related to research

Author:David Archard

Affiliation:Lancaster University


Start time: 11:15

Presentation title:Ethical issues in the practice of social science research + Introduction to an ethics web resource

Author:Christine Milligan

Affiliation:Lancaster University