RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 32 - Wedneday 7th July AM (9.15 - 12.45)

Title: Multilevel modelling - applications

Name: Fiona Steele

Affiliation: NCRM LEMMA node

Abstract Details

This session has a mainly applied focus. Multilevel Models are used to explore particular research questions. Harvey Goldstein will present an analysis of a large grant application database for one of the UK research councils and its implications for a 'metrics based' research assessment exercise. George Leckie will look at the application of Multilevel Models to calibrate the reliability of marking in national curriculum tests. Ben Whalley will talk on using Multilevel Models to explore psychological processes of therapeutic change in a trial of cognitive therapy. James Carpenter will present on the use of weighted multiple imputation in longitudinal surveys.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: James Carpenter

Multilevel multiple imputation allowing for survey weights

Presenter: H Goldstein

Research assessment metrics: A multilevel analysis of research grant applications.

Presentation details


Start time: 09:15

Presentation title: Research assessment metrics: A multilevel analysis of research grant applications, with wider implications.

Author: Harvey Goldstein

Affiliation:NCRM LEMMA node


Start time: 10:00

Presentation title:Reliability of marking in the national curriculum tests

Author:George Leckie

Affiliation:NCRM LEMMA node


Start time: 10:45

Presentation title:Break




Start time: 11:15

Presentation title:The skill of happiness: modelling psychological processes of therapeutic change in a trial of cognitive therapy

Author:Ben Whallley

Affiliation:NCRM LEMMA node


Start time: 11:45

Presentation title:Weighted Multiple Imputation for longitudinal surveys

Author:James Carpenter

Affiliation:London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


Start time: 12:15

Presentation title:Discussion

