RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 01 - Monday 5th July PM (15.30 - 17.30)

Title: Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Name: Graham Crow

Affiliation: NCRM hub

Abstract Details

In this session six leading figures drawn from different social science research methods traditions will set out their views on what will be the key developments in the field of research methods in the coming decade. The speakers have been invited to be provocative in setting out competing scenarios of how things will unfold over the next ten years, and in reflecting on the implications of these coming developments. The six presentations will each be quite short in order to allow plenty of time for questions and discussion. This session is intended to set the festival off with a buzz.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Julia brannen

Prospects in research methods in the coming decade

Presenter: Peter Halfpenny

Prospects for Research Methods in the Coming Decade

Presenter: Martyn Hammersley

Prospects for Research Methods in the Coming Decade

Presenter: Mike Savage

Social Science Methods for the 21st Century

Presenter: J Scott

Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Presenter: Mike Wallace

Prospects for Research Methods

Presentation details


Start time: 15:30

Presentation title: Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Author: Julia Brannen

Affiliation:Institute of Education


Start time: 15:45

Presentation title:Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Author:Peter Halfpenny

Affiliation:University of Manchester


Start time: 16:00

Presentation title:Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Author:Martyn Hammersley

Affiliation:Open University


Start time: 16:15

Presentation title:Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Author:Mike Savage

Affiliation:University of Manchester


Start time: 16:30

Presentation title:Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Author:Jackie Scott

Affiliation:University of Cambridge


Start time: 16:45

Presentation title:Prospects for research methods in the coming decade

Author:Mike Wallace

Affiliation:University of Cardiff