
Getting Personal With Existing Data: Methods of Qualitative Secondary Analysis


Bio: Dr Kahryn Hughes is Associate Professor, University of Leeds. She is Director of the Timescapes Archive, Editor-in-Chief of the BSA Sociological Research Online, and Senior Fellow of the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). Her research funding has been from flagship ESRC methods programmes, including the Research Methods Programme and Timescapes. She is internationally recognised for innovation in qualitative longitudinal methods, and Qualitative Secondary Analysis.

Bio: "Tracing the lives and support needs of young fathers: A participatory, qualitative longitudinal and comparative analysis Anna is a Reader in Sociology at the University of Lincoln. Her research interests include men and masculinities, family life, the lifecourse, and methodological developments in qualitative secondary analysis. She has recently completed research that examines the care responsibilities and support needs of men in low-income contexts, including young fathers. The Future Leaders Fellowship builds out of this work, seeking to implement, evaluate and promote father-inclusive and gender equal practice approaches and environments across the health and social care landscape in the UK. A unique and dynamic evidence base will be built to challenge the stereotypes, misconceptions and marginalisations that are experienced by young fathers. They will also enable a clearer picture to emerge about the impact of different cultures of understanding and expectations on young fathers, and how varied professional and policy responses shape young fathers’ experiences, their capacity to sustain positive relationships with their children, and their social and economic participation."

This three-hour workshop will develop your knowledge and skills in reusing and analysing archived qualitative data. Methods of Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA) enable qualitative researchers to engage analytically with questions of data reuse for the purposes of building new research directions; questions and analyses; in the endeavour of rigorous qualitative research. Such questions include how data may be put to new uses and how they are rendered as particular kinds of evidence in relation to specific analytic foci and substantive concerns. Over the three hours; guided data analysis will be structured by short presentations that focus on introducing methods of qualitative secondary data analysis; covering key methodological debates in the field. Group and paired work will involve using existing qualitative data to explore the possibilities; limitations and challenges of 'depth-to-breadth' methods of QSA.