Session: Somatics toolkit for ethnographers

Time: Thursday 5th July, 11:15 - 12:45


Dr Eline Kieft (Coventry University)

Abstract Details

This workshop presents our NCRM project ‘Research with A Twist: developing a somatics toolkit for ethnographers’. The toolkit addresses pre-fieldwork, fieldwork and post-fieldwork phases for PhD students in anthropology. Topics include bodily awareness when gathering and interpreting (fieldwork) data. Furthermore, the toolkit supports self-care during the research cycle, contributing to better mental health and wellbeing of the researcher. After a quick overview of the project, we will explore the potential of physical awareness in our roles as anthropologists in the field, concluding with time for reflection and feedback.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 11:15

Presentation title: Somatics toolkit for ethnographers


Dr Eline Kieft (Coventry University)