Session: Advances in sociogenomics

Time: Thursday 5th July, 09:15 - 10:45


Professor Melinda Mills (Oxford University)

Abstract Details

The last decade has brought an explosion of data that contains both social and molecular genetic measures that demands innovative methodological approaches. This includes many key UK data sources such as Understanding Society, the 1958 Birth Cohort, UKBiobank and others. This session provides a series of short talks with an introduction, which focus on statistical properties and methods and new approaches to sociological topics.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Xuejie Ding

A lifecourse approach to genetic endowment and cognitive decline

The level of the session is: Advanced

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 09:15

Presentation title: A brief introduction to Sociogenomics


Professor Melinda Mills (Oxford University)

Presentation 2

Start time: 09:25

Presentation title: A lifecourse approach to genetic endowment and cognitive decline


Ms Xuejie Ding (Oxford University)

Presentation 3

Start time: 09:45

Presentation title: Opening up the statistical genetics toolbox to the longitudinal study of reproductive ageing


Dr Maria Christodoulou (Oxford University)

Presentation 4

Start time: 10:05

Presentation title: Combining Social Science and Molecular Genetics: Unemployment and Predispositions of Mental Health


Ms Evelina Akimova (Oxford University)

Presentation 5

Start time: 10:25

Presentation title: The Architecture of Genome-Wide Association Studies


Professor Melinda Mills (Oxford University)
Dr Charles Rahal (Oxford University)