Session: Connecting Meaning: Advances in Linking Text Mining and Social Network Analysis

Time: Wednesday 4th July, 11:15 - 12:45


Professor Susan Banducci (University of Exeter)
Dr Lorien Jasny (University of exeter)

Abstract Details

In this session we demonstrate a range of techniques developed as part of the EXPONet project to model how individuals are exposed to information in the media ecosystem, combining traditional and social media, offline and online consumption. These techniques include types of network and text analysis such as ERGM, topic models, machine learning and are applied to data collected around social and political events of the last three years. We compare results across different types of data generation processes and methods. The session will be of interest to those working with social media data, text and networks.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 11:15

Presentation title: Dynamic Flows of Information: Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Network Analysis


Dr Lorien Jasny (University of Exeter)

Presentation 2

Start time: 11:30

Presentation title: Linking Old and New: Comparing Social Media to Browsing Histories


Dr Iulia Cioroianu (University of Exeter)

Presentation 3

Start time: 11:45

Presentation title: Dynamic Community Detection using Multiplex Community Affiliation Clustering


Dr Iain Weaver (University of Exeter)

Presentation 4

Start time: 12:00

Presentation title: Comparing Approaches to Text Analysis


Dr Travis Coan (University of Exeter)