Session: Data Collection in Zones of Violence and Conflict

Time: Wednesday 6th July, 09:15 - 10:45


Professor Jenny Pearce (Peace Studies, University of Bradford)

Abstract Details

This is the first panel session at the ESRC Methods Festival on this topic. This panel will be structured around a dialogue between the relative merits and limitations of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods in zones of violence and armed conflict and the potentiality for more mixed methods collaborations. The panel brings together researchers experienced with quantitative and qualitative methods to present their approach to their research methods in its context and to discuss the challenges which emerge and how and whether these might be overcome through collaborations.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Colette Harris

Data Collection in Zones of Violence and Armed Conflict: Gulu, northern Uganda

Presenter: Uih Ran Lee

Forecasting civilian fatalities

The level of the session is: Accessible


Professor Jenny Pearce (University of Bradford)

Dr Clionadh Raleigh (University of Sussex)

Dr Colette Harris (SOAS)

Dr Mo Hume (University of Glasgow)

Dr U.R. Lee (University of Bradford)

Dr Elisa Cavatorta (Kings College)