Session: Nexus Methods

Time: Tuesday 5th July, 10:00 - 12:30


Professor Andy Stirling (University of Sussex)

Abstract Details

Confused notions of 'the Nexus' are a burgeoning instrumentalising fashion. Yet imperatives are growing, to address complex global interactions between natures, technologies and societies – and consequent harms, opportunities and injustices. Resulting challenges span expedient distinctions between ‘systems’, ‘sectors’ and ‘settings’. They transcend reified notions of ‘place’, contrived divisions between ‘levels’ and ‘scales’, ‘science’ and ‘society’ and cherished boundaries between ‘quantitative’, ‘qualitative’ and ‘hybrid’. With biases, drivers and power relations in research also part of the focus – ‘method’ and ‘action’ are inseparable. Aims are not just to inform policy, but invigorate democratic struggle. This session will explore practical implications for methodology.

The level of the session is: Advanced

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 10:00

Presentation title: The depth, scope and diversity of 'nexus' challenges to methodology


Professor Andy Stirling (SPRU and STEPS Centre, University of Sussex)

Presentation 2

Start time: 11:30

Presentation title: An illustrative practical response: the STEPS pathways approach and multicriteria mapping


Professor Andy Stirling (SPRU and STEPS Centre, University of Sussex)