Session: Thursday 10th July PM (14.15 - 15.30)

Title: Methods for Evaluating Complex Interventions: Theory of Change Approaches


Professor Liz Todd (Newcastle University)
Professor Alan Dyson (University of Manchester)

Abstract Details

Theory of change approaches are useful when evaluating large multi-strand initiatives in which the initiatives have different outcomes and baseline data is not available. They are also useful for small projects, offering a way to think through actions and impacts. Users tend to find theory of change a helpful development tool. This event offers a brief introduction: examples using a range of evidence, including quantitative and qualitative data; how to reach conclusions; and relationships with users. The presenters offer their own approach to theory of change developed through various funded research projects over the last 12 years.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Alan Dyson

Evaluating Complex Initiatives: Theory of Change Approaches

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title:What are theory of change approaches?

Authors: Professor Alan Dyson (University of Manchester)
Professor Liz Todd (Newcastle University)

Presentation 2

Start time: 14:25

Presentation title:Our theory of change approach in action

Authors: Dr Kirstin Kerr (University of Manchester)
Ms Karen Laing (Newcastle University)

Presentation 3

Start time: 15:00

Presentation title:Using evidence and drawing conclusions

Author: Professor Alan Dyson (University of Manchester)