Session: Wednesday 9th July PM (16.00 - 17.30)

Title: Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: Engagement, Coproduction, and Exchange


Professor Irene Hardill (University of Northumbria)
Ms Ceridwen Roberts (University of Oxford)

Abstract Details

The workshop, chaired by Ceridwen Roberts, Oxford University has three interlinked themes which will be highlighted in papers: Theme 1 - Mobilising social sciences, knowledge and value. Theme 2 - Engagement, co-production and exchange, and Theme 3 - Knowledge mobilisation strategies and techniques. The workshop will end with an interactive debate on an agenda for action, social science for the 21st century, opening with Barbara Doig, formerly of the Scottish Government. The participants draw on papers published in Contemporary Social Science (8,3,2013). The related discussion will feed into a Knowledge Mobilisation Handbook.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Tanja Bueltmann

Engagement, Coproduction, and Exchange: Working with Community Groups and Genealogists

Presenter: Angie Hart

Knowledge mobilisation strategies and techniques

Presenter: Nick Jenkins

Engagement, Coproduction and Exchange: Creating Vignettes of Early Onset Dementia

Presenter: Richard Thorpe

Mobilising social science, knowledge and value

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 16:00

Presentation title:Mobilising social sciences, knowledge and value

Authors: Professor Richard Thorpe (Leeds University )
Ms Charlotte Coleman (Leeds University )

Presentation 2

Start time: 16:20

Presentation title:Engagement, co-production and exchange

Authors: Dr Tanja Bueltmann (Northumbria University )
Dr Nicholas Jenkins (Edinburgh University )

Presentation 3

Start time: 16:50

Presentation title:Knowledge mobilisation strategies and techniques

Authors: Professor Angie Hart (Brighton University )
Ms Emily Gagnon (community organisation Brighton)

Presentation 4

Start time: 17:10

Presentation title:Final plenary

Authors: Ms Barbara Doig (Barbara Doig Consulting)
Professor Irene Hardill (Northumbria University)