Session: Wednesday 9th July AM (09.15 - 12.45)

Title: Analysing Canonical Narratives of Good and Bad in Everyday Life/Analysing Everyday Digital Narratives


Professor Ann Phoenix (Institute of Education, London)
Ms Heather Elliott (Institute of Education, London)

Abstract Details

Presentation One:
Catherine and Joe will present from their respective PhD projects, offering participants the opportunity to discuss extracts of data. They will consider and invite feedback on how individuals challenge and/or reproduce contextually located cultural expectations of “good” behaviour in relation to environment and parenting in their narratives of everyday life.

Presentation Two:
This practical session focuses on how to work narratively with digital data. Taking account of how platform and content work together, we consider methods for analysing blogs about mothering to understand everyday family practices and how online identities are performed and revised.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

There will be a coffee break from 10.45 - 11.15

Presentation 1

Start time: 09:15

Presentation title:'Family Lives and the Environment' and 'Parenting Identities and Practices': perspectives from two PhD studies

Authors: Ms Catherine Walker (Institute of Education, London)
Mr Joe Winter (Institute of Education, London)

Presentation 2

Start time: 11:15

Presentation title:Analysing digital narratives

Author: Ms Heather Elliott (Institute of Education, London)