Session: Tuesday 8th July AM (10.00 - 12.45)

Title: Innovations in Survey Methods


Professor Patrick Sturgis (University of Southampton)

Abstract Details

Although we hear much these days about the research potential of 'naturally occurring' data which arise through the pervasive digitisation of social and economic life, planned research designs which enable valid inferences to be made from samples to clearly defined populations remain at the core of research practice throughout the social sciences and beyond. However, in order to remain relevant and robust, sample survey research methods must continually adapt to the changing social and technological patterns of contemporary life. This session presents research at the cutting edge of survey research practice from the academic and non-academic sectors.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Jonathan Burton

Understanding nonresponse on Understanding Society

Presenter: Joel Williams

Fieldwork effort, response rate and the distribution of survey outcomes

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

There will be a coffee break from 10.45 - 11.15

Presentation 1

Start time: 10:00

Presentation title:Introduction to the session

Author: Professor Patrick Sturgis (University of Southampton)

Presentation 2

Start time: 10:15

Presentation title:Understanding nonresponse on Understanding Society

Author: Dr Jonathan Burton (University of Essex)

Presentation 3

Start time: 11:15

Presentation title:Fieldwork effort, Response rate and the distribution of survey outcomes: a multi-level meta-analysis

Author: Mr Joel Williams (TNS-BMRB)

Presentation 4

Start time: 11:45

Presentation title:Item nonresponse and measurement error in cross-national surveys: methods of data collection and analysis

Author: Dr Jouni Kuha (London School of Economics)

Presentation 5

Start time: 12:15

Presentation title:Discussion

Author: Professor Patrick Sturgis (University of Southampton)