Video stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue (few places remaining)



Organised by:

The University of Edinburgh


Professor Melanie Nind, Professor of Education and Co-Director of National Centre for Research Methods
Dr Daniel Kilburn, Centre for Languages and International Education, University College London
Dr Sarah Lewthwaite, Research Fellow, National Centre for Research Methods


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Laura Marshall


View in Google Maps  (SO17 1BJ)


University of Southampton
Room 2097
Building 32 (Southampton Educational School)


Video stimulated recall and reflection (VSRR) is a research method, whereby researchers use video to stimulate participants’ memory of, and new perspectives on, a familiar videoed event. The focus often includes why the participants chose to act in certain ways and their tacit knowledge, thus some see it as an introspective method. This method has been adapted from professional training contexts, where it is particularly valued as a route into reflection on decision-making processes. Sometimes referred to as stimulated recall interviews, other forms of stimulus such as still photographs or created products may also be used. New developments in the method see video being used to stimulate reflection and dialogue as well as recall, with video becoming a common reference point or resource used to enhance the sharing of insights amongst participants. Focus groups, rather than interview, can be used to broaden potential for layers of reflective dialogue. Questioning prompts can range in structure and, depending on how the video is used, control of the research agenda can be shared. The emergent talk/interaction is analysed rather than (or as well as) the video/stimulus itself. Participants gain from their own analytic processes and participating in the method can be a stimulus for action.


This one-day course (Registration from 10am and course ends at 4pm) provides insights to fill the gaps left by the limited published accounts of this research method. It covers the rationale for using video stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue, the affordances of the method, the ethical issues, the practical challenges and technical matters. There will be some experiential learning through a practical introduction to video recording equipment and engagements with examples from our work using this approach to study teaching and learning interactions in research methods courses.


The course covers:

  • The evolution of video stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue as a research method
  • Theoretical and ethical debates
  • The affordances of video stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue for various research problems
  • Practical and technical challenges in creating and using video as a stimulus
  • Options for video usage (cameras; webcam, action-cam, camcorder and ipad/iphone, lecture capture); audio (uni/omni-directional


The course will include the opportunity to:

  • Discuss existing and potential applications of video stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue in social science research
  • Acquire relevant skills and knowledge pertaining to creating and using video as a research stimulus
  • Take part in hands-on scenario-based activities and demonstrations to explore different technical options
  • Engage in video stimulated dialogue as a pseudo-participant to inform consideration and critique of methods
  • Gain confidence in drawing connections between participants’ own expertise, research problems, technical options and theoretical issues.
  • Options for video usage (cameras; webcam, action-cam, camcorder and ipad/iphone, lecture capture); audio (uni/omni-directional … microphones, internal microphones); mobile and web-based devices




The fee is:
1. £30 - For UK registered postgraduate students
2. £60 – For staff at UK academic institutions, ESRC funded researchers and registered charity organisations
3. £220 - For all other participants
All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.

Website and registration:


South East


Descriptive Research, Exploratory Research, Quality in Qualitative Research, Collaborative Approaches

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