The Millennium Cohort Study: Analysing young children's development from birth to age 11


25/08/2014 - 29/08/2014

Organised by:

London School of Economics


Professor Lucinda Platt, Department of Social Policy, LSE
Colleagues from the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education


Advanced (specialised prior knowledge)


Tyrone Curtis, Programme Coordinator
+44 (0)20 7955 6422


View in Google Maps  (WC2A 2AE)


Houghton Street


This one-week course will enable students to gain a strong practical understanding of the richness and research potential of the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS): one of the UK’s world-renowned birth cohort studies. The MCS has followed a nationally representative UK-wide sample of children born in 2000-2001 across their early years, and has been at the forefront of expanding the potential of data collection from children and their families in in-home surveys. The course will provide participants with an understanding of the different data elements, practical issues such as weighting and linking individual over time and appropriate longitudinal analytical techniques, using all five of the available data sweeps (ages 9 months, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, and 11 years old).

The course is aimed at those from sociological, economics, epidemiological, human geography, survey methodology, child development, social policy and social psychology backgrounds with an interest in:

  • child physical, emotional and cognitive development across the early years, as well as family context and parenting
  • new approaches to collecting data from children
  • extending their analytical and data management skills with complex large, nationally representative data sets
  • utilising multidisciplinary data and approaches to address questions of child wellbeing and family dynamics
  • developing their understanding of longitudinal approaches and the benefits of longitudinal data for evaluating causal processes.


Academic rate: £890
Standard rate: £1500

Website and registration:


Greater London


Descriptive Research, Survey Research, Cross-Sectional Research, Longitudinal Research , Frameworks for Research and Research Designs (other), Hypothesis testing research, Data Collection, Sampling , Survey and Questionnaire Design, Data Collection (other), Millennium Cohort Study

Related publications and presentations:

Descriptive Research
Survey Research
Cross-Sectional Research
Longitudinal Research
Frameworks for Research and Research Designs (other)
Hypothesis testing research
Data Collection
Survey and Questionnaire Design
Data Collection (other)

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