RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 46 - Wedneday 7th July PM (14.00 - 17.30)

Title: Researcher Development Initiative session II, Workshop on research design

Name: Stephen Gorard

Affiliation: University of Birmingham

Abstract Details

This interactive session, in which participants will be encouraged to discuss their own recent and planned projects, introduces the ideas, advantages and process of research design from inception to monitoring. Examples from across and beyond the social sciences will be discussed to test out the warranting principle at the heart of design - 'if my/this conclusion were actually false, how else could I explain the evidence presented for it?'. Part two moves towards discussion of the standard elements of design and how these can be combined to eliminate from the outset as many alternative answers to the question as possible.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Stephen Gorard

Workshop on research design

Presentation details


Start time: 14:00

Presentation title: Research design

Author: Stephen Gorard

Affiliation:University of Birmingham